You are infinitely powerful

I am Jyotsna Hofmann, Business Success Mindset Expert, founder of 5 Step Elevate Mindset Framework. I help ambitious business owners & entrepreneurs, senior leaders up level their business, career, increase business revenue, sales and profits by empowering them to conquer their fears, limiting beliefs and master their mindset so that they can smash through the glass ceiling and take their business to new heights.

If you are committed and ready to experience phenomenal growth, and create a wildly successful business free of any barriers, book your free consultation with me today.

"Next level Business needs Next level Mindset"

  • Business

  • Sports Performance

  • Performance anxiety

  • Public speaking

  • Fears and Phobias

  • Low Self-esteem & Confidence

  • Money Blocks

  • Addictions(smoking, drinking)

How I can help you?

  • Fertility, Conception & IVF Success

  • Relationship Issues, Sexual Problems

  • Stress

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety

  • Finding Life Purpose & Passion, Motivation

  • Weight Management / Relationship with food / Food issues

  • Pain Management

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) is highly effective across a range of issues. Using RTT® I can help you achieve incredible results in:

Clients can expect lasting results in as little as 1-3 sessions. More complex and challenging issues might require more sessions. If you want to discuss a specific issue, please book your free 20 minute consultation to find out more.

  • Business & Career

  • Wealth & Winner Mindset

  • Limitless Confidence & Self-esteem

  • Clear Money Blocks & Build Abundance Mindset

  • Finding Life Purpose & Passion

  • Motivation

  • Public Speaking

How I can help you?

I offer a unique program that combines the power of coaching and highly effective and powerful mindset techniques that gets my clients rapid results.

My work focuses on tapping into the power of the subconscious using hypnotherapy and rewire and reprogram mind for success through neuroplasticity.

Unlike many training programs out there, I have meticulously curated a toolkit of modern cutting edge and effective techniques into a bespoke, results-oriented coaching package designed for high achievers like you so you get the results, show up with limitless confidence, self belief and start taking the bold steps in your business.

5 Step Elevate Mindset Framework

To take your business to the next level what you really need is a new level of mindset that helps you take the necessary steps, make decisions and execute your strategy with complete confidence. That's where my 5 Step Elevate Mindset Framework comes in. Without a roadmap that connects all of the dots, most entrepreneurs quit before they make the revenue and impact they know they deserve. I've created a roadmap to up level your business, increase business revenue, sales and profits, free from stress, overwhelm, burnout or self-doubt.

man wearing eyeglasses lying on concrete pavement
man wearing eyeglasses lying on concrete pavement

Confidence & Self-Esteem...

Fertility, Conception & IVF success

Are you shy in social situations, Are you afraid to speak up? Do you struggle to feel comfortable in your own skin, even when around friends and family. Is your low-confidence holding you back from creating close and meaningful connections with people in personal life, workplace and keeping you from achieving your goals. All these behaviours are rooted in events that shaped your in childhood. Something happened along the way that bruised your confidence in your growing years. Using RTT we can get to the root cause, and help you break free from such patterns so you can truly be your confident self, build quality relationships and live a life the way you always desired.

Public Speaking

Have you been trying to conceive unsuccessfully or struggle to maintain a healthy pregnancy? Do you have unexplained fertility? Are you going through IVF? Have you been unsuccessful despite several rounds of IVF? You have given it your all, made diet and lifestyle changes yet it continues to elude you and its taking a significant toll on your body, your mental heath and relationship. To add to the stress is the turbulence of emotions when you hear success stories of other normal and healthy pregnancies. It can be such a lonely place. I've been there.

I can really be a great aid in your process and help you understand the root cause why the body won't follow the mind, any root cause fears that might be keeping it from conceiving and sustaining a pregnancy. I can also assist and maintaining emotional balance and coping with this stressful period. Note I am not qualified to give any medical advice. My role would be to simply support you through this working with your sub-conscuious, eliminating any deep ingrained unhelpful beliefs about being pregnant in the first place.

Have you been on endless diets, punishing workouts or rebounded despite having success in weight management, only to come back to the same repeat eating patterns and behaviours? In the world we live in these days, we've really lost connection with ourself and often we define ourselves by what we look in the mirror or the number on the scales. We fill our minds self hate, guilt, frustration, using food as a tool to medicate or punish ourselves. Workouts are no different. I can really help you put the focus back on YOU, and your health goals. Together we can first interpret your food patterns, discover where they were formed. It is not just about elimination, it is also about what you out in and how you treat yourself. Do you teat yourself with kindness or hate?

Do you get paralysed at the thought of speaking in public or on camera? Does your body freeze, mind goes blank or suffer severe physical symptoms such as sweating , trembling, stutter, hear beating really fast. Is this fear holding you back from showcasing your talents, your business offering and really build your and expand as a business ? Or you simply want to become a good orater at meetings, conferences, webinars to progress andstep up in your career. May be you are a leader and need to lead by example delivering presentations and speeces when they most matter?

I can work with you to identify where your fears lie and help overcome them so you can confidently speak wherever you choose to.

  • Book your free consultation call. This confidential immersive experience gives you complete confidence knowing the tangible value upfront.

  • Time is a valuable resource and I want to make sure you get value from the session whether we end up working together or not.

  • Listen to your personalised transformation recording for 21 days minimum. This is a crucial part of the transformational process. Every time you listen to the audio, the new neural pathways created during the main session grow stronger through repetition.

  • Follow up coaching sessions

  • Book your 1:1 online hypnotherapy sessions (up to 90min) via Zoom or GoogleMeet. In these sessions we do regression using hypnosis, identify root cause, reframe limiting beliefs and install powerful transformation.

  • Book your 1:1 online 60min coaching sessions




Why RTT?

RTT® is a powerful and effective hybrid therapy created by Marisa Peer, a globally acclaimed therapist, best selling author, award winning speaker with clientele ranging from Hollywood celebrities, CEOs, Royalty and Olympic athletes. She now teaches this method to 1,000s of students worldwide.

RTT® therapy is based in the science of neuroplasticity and delivers fast, effective results by combining the most effective NLP principles with CBT, psycho-therapy, and hypnotherapy to create a uniquely powerful therapy that helps people overcome their issues.

How it works?

RTT® achieves breakthroughs by uncovering the underlying root cause at a subconscious level, rather than address the symptoms of a presenting issue at conscious level. It is unique because it does not solely rely on positive reinforcements compared to other forms of therapy. It works by changing thoughts and perceptions within the subconscious, where our core beliefs, values, habit patterns, emotions are stored, so new beliefs can take root. Our beliefs and patterns are formed in childhood through life events and the meaning we attach to these events experienced through the brain of a child.

RTT® uses hypnosis as a means to access the subconscious to identify the root cause. Using RTT®, the hypnotherapist helps reframe old unhelpful beliefs and installs new beliefs. Our actions are driven by our beliefs and thoughts, so if you change them at the subconscious level, you can expect phenomenal changes in your behaviour without the need of will power which we know doesn't work. Blocks are eradicated in a similar way. If we get to the root cause of what's holding you back in your subconscious, it's likely to have a more powerful impact on your behaviour and actions because you are working with the problem at root. It is more powerful to install the positive beliefs and affirmations within the sub-conscious than simply saying them or writing them consciously. This is why will power, writing affirmations or simple positive reinforcements aren't as effective because we are working with the conscious mind. For the change to really take root, it needs to become part of your beliefs, your identity.

Science proves that with neuroplasticity, we can rewire our minds. By accessing the subconscious mind, new neural pathways can be created, replacing old limiting beliefs and behaviours with new empowering ones.

Clients can expect powerful transformations and lasting changes in as little as 3 sessions making this therapy quite unique. It delivers rapid effective results which is why it can have such a powerful and positive impact in helping clients overcome blocks, reprogram their mind for success and be empowered to bring positive change into their lives.

"Emotion always wins over logic. Your job is to give your mind detailed, specific, relevant, up-to-date instructions so that your mind can do its job of following those instructions."

Marisa Peer

Please watch the video to understand how RTT® works.

Success Stories

I. H., Nurse, Stockholm, Sweden

"I highly recommend Jyotsna. She helped me release some limiting beliefs I acquired in my childhood that were preventing me from achieving and maintaining my ideal weight. She also allowed me to feel safe and free to express myself. She guided me with grace, compassion, and expertise so I could gain clarity and release what was holding me stuck from moving forward. She thoroughly incorporated everything from my intake form, the consult, and the session into the final hypnosis. Jyotsna gave me the inspiration, motivation, and energetic shift I needed to see the new possibilities for myself. Book a session with Jyotsna today."

A. V., Business Owner, Florida, USA

"I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the wonderful RTT & coaching sessions that we had together. From the initial consultation to the 1:1 session and the recording that I have listened to for the past 25 days, I can say that it has been a truly transformative experience.Your attention to detail and your ability to focus on the success of my project has been invaluable. The personalised recording that you created for me has been instrumental in keeping me motivated and focused on achieving my goals. I can honestly say that I have seen a marked improvement in my productivity and my ability to stay on task since working with you. What really stood out to me was your follow-up during those 21 days after the session. It was clear that you were invested in my success and that you truly cared about helping me achieve my goals. I felt supported throughout the entire process, and that made a big difference.I would highly recommend RTT and your services to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. The experience has been a game-changer for me, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you.Thank you again for everything."

M.B., Business Owner, London, UK

"Having sessions with Jyotsna opened my mind to many possibilities I had not yet realised, about myself & what I believed. Jyotsna made me feel completely comfortable & I knew she respected me in such a way that I felt I could trust her with whatever came up. I am so grateful for the session I had with Jyotsna, as it allowed me to discover personal blocks & to begin the process of being free of them. I really appreciated the bespoke recording she made me, as it helped to reassure me as I progressed forward. I really loved the work she did with me & her ability to help me work through my issue. Thank you so much Jyotsna!"

M. M., Business Owner, Texas, USA

E. C., Teacher, United Kingdom

About me

Having navigated my own journey from a nondescript small town in India to a successful career in the UK in advertising, starting from scratch, then building a new career again, I understand the role of mindset in achieving goals and building the life of your dreams. Despite having stability, meditation, journalling, coaching, fears, doubts, limiting beliefs continued to haunt me. Through unconscious reprogramming, I transformed my life & career forever. Now, I'm dedicated to helping businesses, entrepreneurs, leaders to achieve phenomenal success. Success isn't reserved for a select few; it's accessible to everyone, & I'm here to guide you on that journey.

It has been an absolute honour and privilege to deliver and witness, some of the most life changing, powerful transformations to peers, friends, family and clients and I want to help you create the life of your dreams, free of issues, any limiting beliefs, free of any blocks, free of unwanted behaviours, unhelpful thoughts.

If you are ready to transform your life and committed to change, get in touch and find out how I can help you.


What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a way of inducing a relaxed state of mind allowing you to tap into your subconscious. It's like being in ‘a light trance’. You move from a beta brainwave (conscious mind) into an relaxed alpha brainwave (subconscious mind). The critical chattering mind is bypassed and the subconscious mind becomes receptive to suggestions. Hypnotic trance is a completely natural state of inward focus.

It is a natural state of mind that we go in and out of many times every day. Think of a time when you were watching a movie, you were so absorbed that you lost track of where you were, what you are doing, only to realise you had drifted away, when you came back to the room. This is a trance state.

What does it feel like?

You will feel really relaxed, comfortable and at ease. It's like having a conversation with your eyes closed. Many people don’t realise they are in hypnosis until they come out of it. There is no right or wrong way to experience hypnosis. Everyone experiences it in their own way.

Do I lose control while hypnotised?

No, you are in charge. Hypnosis is not about being asleep, it is simply putting the nervous system in a relaxed state. You remain fully aware of everything going on around you, you are just not bothered by them. This allows you to really focus inward. You cannot be made to do anything in trance that you would not do otherwise.

What if I can't be hypnotised?

Hypnosis is a natural state. We often go into it throughout the day. During the day, you regularly move in and out of the brainwaves (eg. daydreaming during a boring lecture/meeting etc.) so you probably have already been in hypnosis, without realising it. How quickly or deeply you go into hypnosis has no bearing on the success of the treatment. Everyone is different, so some people will go into trance more easily and deeper than others.

How many sessions will I need?

I offer bespoke 3 and 6 month packages with a combination of hypnotherapy and coaching sessions. To overcome deeply ingrained habits or beliefs is sometimes like peeling the skin away on an onion. Removing a layer may reveal something else that needs to be dealt with to get great results. Please book a consultation.

Are results guaranteed?

No professional will guarantee results. The best indication of how effective the therapy is through the client referrals I receive which give indication how effective hypnosis is in helping people become free of their issues. Click on my testimonial page to see what previous clients have to say. The results will also depend on your level of commitment to your recording for a minimum of 21 days.

How will I feel after the session?

You will feel really relaxed, perhaps slightly drowsy for the first few minutes after the session. Clients can feel a range of uplifting emotions from feelings of excitement or an incredible surge of energy, big smiles, to empowerment, feeling ready to move on to the next phase in their lives. There could also be a sense of reflectiveness and clients will often experience additional insights and revelations in the days and weeks following their RTT session. It's best that you don't have anything planned for immediately after the session.

Change can happen for people in 3 ways:

Instant: you feel an immediate shift at the conclusion of the session, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Cumulative: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time.

Retroactively: you don't notice change initially but one day upon looking back, you see how much things actually have changed in your life.

Can you work with me if I live outside London?

Yes. Hypnosis is just as effective online as it is in person. I deliver sessions using Zoom or GoogleMeet. All you need is a reliable internet connection.

Why do I need to listen to the recording for 21 days?

The mind learns through repetition. Each day you listen to the recording, the messages get more and more embedded deep into the subconscious.

The science behind this is by listening to the recording repeatedly, you are laying down new pathways or connections between neurons. The more an activity is engaged in, the more the neural pathways become stronger. Therefore, the new neural pathways created during the hypnotherapy session are growing stronger every time you listen to the audio.

Think about how we learn or acquire a new skill. First you are shown how to do something e.g. learn tennis. First your mind learns what to do and how to do it. Then it builds the skill through continued repetition. At first, holding a racket feels unfamiliar but through repetition and continued practice you become more familiar using it. The more you practice, the more comfortable it feels. You reach the point where trying the old way feels awkward.

Sports athletes train and practice their goals, skills, every possible scenario, repetitively. Even when they achieve their goals repetitively during practice. In doing so, their muscle and eye/hand coordination, becomes embedded and wired in their mind. This is similar to you working on changing your behaviour.

There are different theories as to how long it takes for the brain to rewire but 21 days is the minimum amount of time prescribed.


It’s important we talk so we can gauge whether we feel a rapport and could work together.